Python Bitwise Operators -Introduction
Bitwise operators in Python are a group of operators used to manipulate data at the bit level. They operate on integers by treating the values as binary numbers. Bitwise operators are efficient and useful in low-level programming, often applied in fields like system programming, cryptography, networking, and performance optimization. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you understand Python’s bitwise operators.
What Are Bits?
Before diving into bitwise operators, let’s clarify what “bits” are. Computers use binary (base 2) numbering systems where the smallest unit of data is a bit. A bit is either 0
or 1
. For example, the number 5
in binary is 101
, and 9
is 1001
. Bitwise operations treat these binary representations directly, allowing the manipulation of each individual bit.
Types of Bitwise Operators in Python
Python supports several bitwise operators, including:
- AND (
) - OR (
) - XOR (
) - NOT (
) - Left Shift (
) - Right Shift (
Let’s go through each of these operators with examples to explain how they work.
1. Bitwise AND (&
The bitwise AND operator compares two bits and returns 1
if both bits are 1
; otherwise, it returns 0
. It’s typically used to clear bits or mask certain bits in a binary number.

In this case, the only common bit between 5 (101)
and 3 (011)
is the least significant bit, so the result is 1
2. Bitwise OR (|
The bitwise OR operator compares two bits and returns 1
if either bit is 1
, otherwise, it returns 0
. It is often used to set specific bits in a number.

Here, the result combines all the 1
bits from both 5
and 3
, resulting in 7 (111)
3. Bitwise XOR (^
The bitwise XOR operator returns 1
if the bits are different, and 0
if they are the same. It’s commonly used in toggling specific bits.

In this example, XOR gives 6 (110)
because the bits at positions where 5
and 3
differ are set to 1
4. Bitwise NOT (~
The bitwise NOT operator is a unary operator that flips all the bits of its operand. It inverts the bits, turning 0
into 1
and vice versa. In Python, bitwise NOT produces the result of -(x + 1)

The binary representation of 5
is 101
, and applying NOT results in -6
. This is because of how Python represents integers using two’s complement notation.
5. Left Shift (<<
The left shift operator shifts the bits of a number to the left by a specified number of positions, effectively multiplying the number by 2^n
where n
is the number of positions shifted.

Shifting 5
one position to the left gives 10
, which is the binary equivalent of 1010
6. Right Shift (>>
The right shift operator shifts the bits of a number to the right by a specified number of positions, effectively dividing the number by 2^n

Shifting 5
one position to the right gives 2
, which is the binary equivalent of 10
Practical Applications of Bitwise Operators
- Masking: Bitwise AND can be used to mask certain bits and isolate specific bits from a binary number. This is common in networking (subnet masks) or hardware programming.
- Setting and Clearing Bits: Bitwise OR and AND are used to set and clear specific bits in flags or status registers.
- Toggling Bits: Bitwise XOR is useful for toggling certain bits, such as changing a flag’s state in a control system.
- Multiplying or Dividing by Powers of 2: Left and right shifts are efficient ways to multiply or divide by powers of 2 without using arithmetic operations.
- Bitwise NOT in Two’s Complement: Bitwise NOT can be used to implement negation in signed integers using two’s complement notation.